I’m writing this on Friday night because a Friday Finds never happened. I gardened after work until late—I’m determined to have every plant that’s in a pot in the ground by the end of the weekend—and waited for a big expected storm to come through to water it all. It’s amazing how efficient I am right before it rains.

The evening lighting was doing the garden a lot of favors today and for the very first time this year, I looked at it and realized that I’m pretty happy with most of it. Until now, when I looked at my garden all I saw was work. But as the big jobs have (finally) been checked off the list and plants have started to grow in, I’m taking a certain amount of satisfaction in what I’ve done this year. It feels good. I hope you’re feeling the same way about your garden.
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If veggie growing is on your agenda you might be having questions about cucumbers because it seems like a lot of people are. Those darn cuke flowers are confusing and they might be the reason behind a slim harvest. Here’s a great article on all the sexy bits of a cucumber and why you should pay more attention than you probably did to a similar conversation in 6th grade.
In between enjoying a fabulous collection of interesting trees at our annual master gardener garden crawl Thursday I spotted the cutest planter (below) and was surprised to find out from the hostess that she picked it up at Pier One. I’m inclined to grab one too. It looked great sitting on her patio but I think it would look great tucked in the border as well.
I love the idea of growing plants that are useful as well as beautiful. Often, for me, that incorporates an edible component, but I started growing comfrey specifically for use as a fertilizer tea. But I love this list of five plants to use to create an herbal tea garden.
I’m certain you’ve heard, but Amazon Prime Day starts Monday. I’ll be keeping my eyes out for garden-related deals so check here or on the Facebook page then, but if you’re not a Prime member (which you need to be to take advantage of the deals), hook yourself up with a free 30-day trial now. I shop at Amazon more often than I’m comfortable with but it is such a huge time saver for me. Also I like the free Kindle books that come with a Prime membership. I can’t tell you how much I’m looking forward into sitting back and enjoying some summer reading.
Are you watching IGTV (the new Instagram video channel)? I put one video up there but I haven’t yet figured out how much time to dedicate to that new platform. Every time a new social media wrinkle is released I wonder how I’ll have time to manage it, which is usually a sign that maybe it’s not for me. Honestly if it’s not a fun platform to be on it becomes a chore and that’s not what this (side) gig is about for me. But I’m legitimately interested in whether you’re watching videos over on IGTV. Maybe I’m missing out!
One last picture just for fun. The cat was very interested in something on the living room window the other night and when I looked I found this little guy. The frog and toad (baby toads everywhere!) population is very high this summer and I’m thankful that they are out there eating icky little bugs that want to do harm to my plants.
6 Responses
Hey Erin, It is really nice to stumble here and read your blog and I’m really glad to see the collection of your flowers. It is amazing and I wish I can have like this one in my garden!
Your container planting looks fabulous. Because I have a tour coming up, it is hard to see the garden and not the chores. But I redid an area on Sunday that I think I am going to be very happy with. Love that rusty leafy planter, though not the legs so much. But they could be hidden in other greenery. I must admit I have not gotten on Instagram and pretty much avoid it in general. I think it is because I like writing the blog more than taking photos for it. So I am not sure about instagram videos. Too many options, too little time — esp. if I want to actually garden. Loved your garden vacation post, though I don’t usually do as much partly because I have so few containers etc.
Have you continued to make comfrey tea for fertilizing? This is my first summer using it as I planted comfrey last year. Besides smelling like an outhouse and attracting every fly in the county, I will tout it’s super powers.
Gotta love auto correct. However, it’s the bane of every grammar nerd. That being said, and in reference to using comfrey in the garden, I will continue to tout ‘its’ super powers.
Your planter is a great hit as I knew it would be. Bravo.
I like the little frog sticking to the window. Your little garden helper.
Great pink flowering planter and love the tree frog photo. Glad you are getting some rain because here in central North Carolina we continue to be hot,humid and dry. My days are filled with watering and this morning I did some heavy dead heading of both perennials ,annuals and also shrubs hoping for some fresh rebloom after we finally get some rain. Please send some this way.