Thank you all so much for your nice comments on Wednesday’s post of beautiful gardens. Few places can bring peace like a garden. Maybe I need to do that more often on the blog.

But for now it’s Friday and a weekend in the garden will be an excellent thing indeed.

Now, on the other hand, if you’re looking for an excuse to stay inside, I have one of those too. If you haven’t already heard, “The Crown” on Netflix is fabulous. So good, in fact, that I’m on my second viewing where I really pay attention and that goes up to three if you count when I was doing other stuff in the background.

Speaking of movies, I am absolutely going to buy this one. Let’s face it, there aren’t a lot of gardening movies out there.

For the first time in my gardening life, we haven’t had a killing frost (or any frost) by the time I usually dig my dahlias. This is problematic, so I’ve been looking for advice online. The Dahlia Society tells me it’s OK to dig on November 15 even if we’ve not frosted, but in an effort to get eyes showing so I can divide clumps of tubers this fall, I’m going to chop off all the stems this weekend (making sure to cover them if they are hollow to prevent water damaging the crown). Matt’s tutorial on dahlia care in fall is excellent and you should all do as I have and pin it or save it in some way.

It’s not bragging to say I make pretty good tasting pies. Unfortunately they are usually not pretty. This should help. 

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The family dining room got a bold and colorful wall treatment and more modern art. Architectural Digest photo

Cote de Texas did a lovely post on Architectural Digest’s story showing for the first time how the Obamas decorated parts of the White House. She went back and found how various rooms looked during other presidencies and it’s fascinating to see what stayed and what changed over the years. I love the modern art the Obamas have used.

AD also did a story about the book All the Presidents’ Gardens and shares a few fun facts here.

Speaking of famous gardens, Gardenista did a post on ideas you can steal from Sissinghurst. I would suggest that “be inspired by” might be a better term because it’s not like throwing up a curved brick wall with a window in it is something you can just throw up on a whim, but I’m happy to look at Sissinghurt anyway.

That’s it for this week. Last weekend was all about leaf management for me. Although plenty more have fallen, I’m hoping to only go through that process once more this year and they are going to wait until next week. This weekend, work will continue on the circle garden. My goal is to have the inner circle of cobblestones set and the paver base installed by the end of the weekend. What’s on your agenda this weekend?

4 Responses

  1. I always give my dahlias two weeks in the ground after either a hard frost or being cut down – not sure where that number came from, but it seems to work. Then they get packed in peat moss in airtight tubs in the basement.

    Can't wait to check out the Crown – I've only heard rave reviews!

    1. Caroline, I've read that before too and I feel like that's what I've done in the past although I can't recall for certain. I've always packed in peat moss but last year I lost most of my tubers (they just dried up), so I might try the plastic wrap technique this year.

    1. Thank you for that link, Linda! I was just checking out the weather and it looks another relatively warm week ahead but a cold weekend next week. Hopefully that will encourage me to get lots down outside this weekend.

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