Letters from the Garden

Friday Finds


I’m on a really good streak with books. I’m reading Dear Friend and Gardener: Letters on Life and Gardening and although I’m only halfway through it (I’m taking my time with it, savoring every page), I just know this is going to be one of those books I go back to and may become one of my favorites. It is ...

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Friday Finds


One of the weekends I was gone in mid-July also happened to be the weekend that every garden tour in southeastern Wisconsin was held (or so it seemed), and I missed them all. What a bummer. Fortunately, last night I toured two fabulous gardens as part of our annual master gardener garden crawl. I’m now full of ideas for how ...

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Friday Finds


So happy to be bringing you some Friday Finds today. We have enjoyed the most perfect week of summer weather and although I’ve been flat out catching up on work, I’ve been taking every possible moment to soak up the summer goodness because I know how fleeting it is. I love looking at dream properties as much as the next ...

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Friday Finds


I forgot to show you a couple of photos that I meant to include in yesterday’s post about what’s happening in the garden. The ‘Blue Angel’ hostas in a corner of the garden have not yet recovered from a hasty division a year or two ago when they were badly in need of it so there is a little extra ...

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Friday Finds


It’s been a while since I’ve done a Friday Finds post and I’ve missed them. First, a little programming note. My YouTube channel is gone. What happened to it is a bit of a mystery that starts with bizarre, profanity-laden threats from a random person on YouTube and ends with my channel being gone a few days after I reported ...

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Friday Finds

FRIDAY FINDS (and a giveaway announcement)

A quick note before I get into Friday Finds: Next week I’m going to be doing a giveaway EVERY DAY. I’ve assembled some of my very favorite gardening items (most of which you’ll find I’ve written about before) and I’m giving them away to you. Although I didn’t plan it this way, it happens to coincide with the 6th anniversary ...

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Friday Finds


Next week I’ll touch base on the progress on all the seeds I’ve been starting this year, but thanks to this new mini greenhouse, I’ll be able to get most of the plants out of the back room this weekend. For about $130 this was gardening money very well spent. Great. First I wanted pygmy goats, now I want this ...

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The Impatient Gardener blog was started in 2009 and its library of posts includes practical how-tos, plant guides, favorite garden gear, successes and failures and much more. If you’re looking for something specific, the search function at the top of the page can help.

Hi everyone! I just wanted to let you know that I worked with Garrett Wade, which has some very cool garden tools, on this post. I was compensated for my time and provided samples to try out. As always, my words and thoughts are genuine and mine alone. I took a look at the extended […]

My appreciation for shrubs grows deeper every year as I appreciate the low-maintenance aspects of them and new, improved shrubs of all shapes and sizes are released every year.  Hydrangeas are not unique. In fact they are so popular that even professional plants people will admit they get a little sick of them. But more […]

There’s something special going on at a little island smack dab at the meeting point of Lake Michigan and Lake Huron. I’ve never been to a place outside the tropics where a garden can be filled with every color and have it work like it does on Mackinac Island. The air there is clear, the […]

Four years ago when I planted comfrey, I went into it with my eyes wide open. I knew that because comfrey grows very deep roots (like 15 or more feet deep), and because it grows very easily from root cuttings, that once I planted it, odds are, it would be in that spot forever. So, […]

I’m writing this on Friday night because a Friday Finds never happened. I gardened after work until late—I’m determined to have every plant that’s in a pot in the ground by the end of the weekend—and waited for a big expected storm to come through to water it all. It’s amazing how efficient I am […]

It’s that glorious time of year when most people are settled into summer and a lot of folks are heading out for vacations. I love a good summer vacation, maybe even more than those blessed  jaunts to warmer places in the middle of winter (although those certainly do more for my mental health), but it’s […]

I waited a bit to show you what I did for containers at my house this year, partly because other gardening projects have been stealing attention, but also because all containers look a little better when they have chance to grow in just a bit. They are all now getting to the point where you […]

A quick note: This post is sponsored by 3-IN-ONE® Fast-Acting Penetrant, but you know I will always tell it like it is, so all words and opinions are entirely my own. Thanks for supporting the brands that support this blog. This time of year is full of big projects. Whipping the garden into shape, never-ending […]