Letters from the Garden


Early signs of spring? I'll take it!

I know that the whole world can’t get enough of talking about the mild winter that most of the United States has been experiencing, to the point that some people are getting a little cranky about it, but I know a good bandwagon when I see one and you know I’m on it! In all seriousness, I’ve absolutely loved this ...

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Four-star perennials

Last Saturday I attended a garden seminar (I just love going to garden seminars and shows in late winter; it is so fun to dream) where Richard Hawke, the plant evaluation manager for the Chicago Botanic Garden was the keynote speaker. I’ve gone to a lot of seminars, speeches, talks, etc. for work and pleasure, and Hawke was one of ...

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'Mrs. N. Thompson' clematis

When plants become a collection

Creating a garden starts out as an innocent pursuit. You just want a pretty patch of flower or vegetables that flows and looks beautiful at least three seasons out of four. But there is that one plant that outshines the others. It outperforms them by looking great or by being the big, bold bright spot that everyone comments on. And ...

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Expert bloggers' favorite perennial picks

I’ve been trying to deny the calling of the seed catalogs and the desire to peek at the vernal witch hazel and the warmest corners near the house where the bulbs come up first (it is only January, after all) but there is only so much a gardener can do during an unseasonably warm winter. That’s why I called on ...

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Decking the outside

I had so much fun decorating the outside this year, partly because it’s fun to deck out the “new house” and partly because it’s been downright nice (for December) to be outside this year. If it weren’t for not wanting to totally break the bank, I would have just kept on decorating. It’s no secret that I love Deborah Silver‘s ...

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Sprucing up a wreath

The trip to an area Dick’s Sporting Goods store was not without it’s usual frustrations. As usual, it was impossible to find an employee to help and I was getting more frustrated by the fact that I had left my purse in the car so I was juggling my wallet and a flyer full of coupons somewhat unsuccessfully. But I ...

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Fleeting color

I was downloading some photos from the weekend Tuesday night and realized there were a few I’d taken just a couple weeks ago that I’ve not posted. One of the amazing things about living up north, where the seasons mean business, is how quickly things change. Although we’ve not had any snow yet (which is pretty surprising), it’s been plenty ...

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The Impatient Gardener blog was started in 2009 and its library of posts includes practical how-tos, plant guides, favorite garden gear, successes and failures and much more. If you’re looking for something specific, the search function at the top of the page can help.

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