Letters from the Garden



You might have noticed that I didn’t write much about the vegetable garden this year. That’s not because I didn’t grow vegetables, but it wasn’t my best year in the vegetable garden.It’s been my pattern to really let a garden slip after I’ve developed a plan in my head for how I’m going to change it. The most recent example ...

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What to do with all those leaves?

Mr. Much More Patient and I spent a good part of the weekend dealing with the first round of fallen leaves at our house. Because we have a lot of trees, it works better to do it in two or three sessions rather than wait until everything is on the ground.And while some people bag their leaves or push them ...

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I tend to go on a bit here about taking stock of your garden so you can make changes next year, but that’s because I still think it’s one of the single best things you can do. Plus, I find it to be a very optimistic activity. In the middle of a season of decomposition, I find it quite enjoyable ...

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This is a challenging time in the garden for me. We’ve not yet had a frost, so although things are looking a little ragged, there’s nothing that’s dead and looking terrible. Which means I’m faced with the conundrum of going against my gardener’s gut reaction to do everything I can to keep plants looking good and the practical voice in ...

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To my knowledge there is no garden task that strikes fear into the heart of gardeners so much as pruning. By my estimation, the two most likely explanations for this are: We’ve all been scolded and made to feel bad/silly/stupid for pruning incorrectly. We live in perpetual fear of killing plants by pruning incorrectly. There are rules for pruning. Oh ...

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For as much as I love plants, my relationship with houseplants is, as they say on Facebook, complicated. I love having them, because a house devoid of plant life would be depressing. But at the same time I don’t love the space they take up nor their neediness. And because of that it is only due to their summer vacation ...

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Sometimes I am tempted to create more gardens (which I absolutely do not need) simply to create more garden paths. I don’t know why I have a love affair with paths, but I collect pictures of them and ideas for future paths with the same zeal that I collect garden ideas.My tastes in paths are nondiscriminatory. I love them whether ...

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The Impatient Gardener blog was started in 2009 and its library of posts includes practical how-tos, plant guides, favorite garden gear, successes and failures and much more. If you’re looking for something specific, the search function at the top of the page can help.

So, it’s April 1, aka April Fool’s Day. Be warned, folks, the Internet is full of bad jokes that people are falling for left and right. But I hereby proclaim this space to be April Fool’s joke free. Read with confidence. In all seriousness, I’m really excited that we’ve made it to April. Gardening gets […]

I love a good to-do list. For the most part, April is the first real opportunity to get back in the garden in this area and although this week is cold and wet, soon it’ll be time to clean up the yard. So in honor of tomorrow being April and my love of to-do lists, […]

I love asking gardeners what their favorite plant is. It’s an unfair question, I know, and on any given day my answer could be any number of things, but I think it’s an interesting exercise. I reached out to some garden blogging friends to see what their favorite perennial is and here’s what they said. […]

Winter came back. I knew it would. I knew that this mild winter and early spring that we were blessed with was just too good to be true, but mentally I had moved on. The end of the week brought us horrible weather and this morning the trees were shimmering with ice on their branches […]

My neighbors must be understanding people. Until about midnight every night a bright white light emanates from the sliding glass door in the office, illuminating our back/side yard and, I’m assuming, that side of my neighbors’ house. Fortunately their bedrooms don’t face this direction, but it’s bright.Of course by this time

The other night I had a dream that I was in a nursery buying potting mix, except it wasn’t called potting mix, it was called compost. And I spent a great deal of time trying to figure out if I wanted  ericaceous compost or not. But here’s the thing: Calling potting mix compost is not […]

It’s Friday Finds time, but first I wanted to share a couple pictures from my trip to Austin with Troy-Bilt’s Saturday6 gang last week. Troy-Bilt sent the Saturday6, a group of bloggers who work with them, on a shindig to find out about some new products, explore Austin and do a little good. (Disclaimer: They […]

I hesitate to even tempt the weather gods by posting this, but holy smokes are we in a stretch of beautiful weather here. The snow is gone, the little creek in the back yard is running (and astonishingly not a single Newfoundland dog has figured that out yet), bulbs are peeking their heads out of […]

My apologies for the absence last week. If you follow me on Facebook  or Instagram you’ll know that I was down in Austin for a Saturday6 (Troy-Bilt’s blogger team) event. I had all kinds of plans to get some posts up but I ought to stop making plans like that because it never happens. We […]

This weekend was one of those amazing gifts that Mother Nature throws our way every once in a while that revive the sleeping soul of a gardener. Saturday was in the 50s and we set a record on Sunday with temps in the low 60s. This is pretty much unheard of for Wisconsin in February. […]

It’s Friday Finds time! If you missed today’s earlier post showing off my now hanging staghorn fern, check it out here. Deborah Silver photo I have long been in love with Deborah Silver’s “grass” floor, but now she’s gone and put English daisies on it and I’m completely smitten. Some great seed starting do&

Remember how I repotted the staghorn fern in a grapevine ball a couple months ago? Because of the renovation to the back room (which has been finished for awhile but I still haven’t gotten around to putting everything back in that room and therefore having shown you what it looks like now), the fern has […]

Much of the past decade of gardening at my house has been an alternating pattern of creating new gardens and improving existing gardens. A couple years ago I realized that I probably have as much garden square footage as I can handle (and frankly probably too much) at this point in my life, so my […]