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The Impatient Gardener blog was started in 2009 and its library of posts includes practical how-tos, plant guides, favorite garden gear, successes and failures and much more. If you’re looking for something specific, the search function at the top of the page can help.


A kitchen about face

You’ve probably noticed that I’ve been a bit quiet with updates to the progress in the kitchen and I thought I’d show you why there’s been a bit of radio silence. The cabinets were installed over the past week and overall we are thrilled with the storage they are going to provide. But when I looked around I realized that …

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Garden tasks to pass the time

First of all, if you’re finding this blog from Young House Love, welcome! I’m thrilled you popped over to see the blog and I hope you enjoy it. I tend to jump around topic-wise, ranging from renovations (currently we’re working on our kitchen) to gardening to DIY projects. If you like what you see, you might want to consider getting …

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Catching up in a few other gardens

I hate to leave you hanging on garden posts while I’m stuck in kitchen renovation land. Plenty of the country also got a thick blanket of snow recently so I think we’re all a bit fed up with spring’s punctuality problem. It snowed at our house a bit over the weekend too so I didn’t exactly get my garden chores …

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Necessity is the mother of invention

Or: How we got this crazy heavy sink out of the kitchen and onto the deck. I’m writing this Sunday morning. The cabinets are being installed and I’m mostly hiding because I don’t really care for the messy/scary parts. But rather than leave you totally hanging on a kitchen update, I thought I’d share a little item about how to …

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This year’s seed order

Since it seems like so many people are dealing with less-than-stellar spring weather, I’m making a concerted effort not to spend too much time complaining about it. So instead of mentioning that there is still a 5-foot tall pile of snow in my yard, or that I’m behind on pruning things because I can’t get through the snow to actually …

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The beauty of small decisions

With any renovation there are big decisions and little decisions. I find the big decisions to be nerve-wracking exercises in self-doubt. There is nothing like knowing you are spending a lot of money on something that is not easily changed—the layout, counters, etc—to give you a good case of decision paralysis. Because we sort of fast-tracked our mini kitchen renovation …

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Make your own garden mistakes

I was shuffling through Google Reader* this morning checking on all my favorite blogs (the iPad and a cup of coffee in bed are pretty much the best accompaniments to blog reading) and one of my favorite design blogs was talking about gardening. I love when that happens. This great designer (who shall remain nameless) is making a garden for …

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Dear Spring: Where are you?

I think March must be the most challenging month in my neck of the woods. It feels like it should be spring. The stores are filled with pastel everything, magazine covers are fresh and bright and lucky friends who live even a little bit south of here are in the full-on throes of springtime. But it is not spring here. …

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