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The Impatient Gardener blog was started in 2009 and its library of posts includes practical how-tos, plant guides, favorite garden gear, successes and failures and much more. If you’re looking for something specific, the search function at the top of the page can help.


Slip slidin’ away to trash organization heaven

You know how sometimes I publish a little to-do list that shows you what I’m all working on and what’s been finished? I am going to spare you that because reading it would take up FAR too much of your time. I have balls in the air, folks. Lots and lots of them. I feel like I have about 20 …

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Me … in a magazine. Check it out.

I was excited to be featured in the spring issue of Proven Winners free online magazine Proven Beauty. If you want to know a little more about me and see a couple of my picks for my garden must-haves, check out the magazine here  or click on the photo above (I’m on page 12-13). Make sure you sign up for …

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A tree that might be worth the chance

I’ve been spending some time doing lots of research on trees, which is an area I’m less familiar with, because we’re about to lose two very special trees. The tree cutters were supposed to come this week but the weather has kept them away. A March snowstorm took out half of this Cedar leaving it angled precariously close to our …

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Weed supression in 15 minutes or less

We’ve had just about two straight weeks of rain here, but I’m not complaining. For one, we need to fill up Lake Michigan which hit its all-time historical low water mark this winter and for another it could be so much worse. North Dakota got so much snow earlier this week that the federal government gave residents of the state …

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Pinterest Puh-lease! Pinterest tips you’ll want to ignore

Isn’t Pinterest just the best? So many ideas! So many pretty pictures! So many great tips! Except, um, when the tips aren’t really tips at all. There are some hilarious blogs that feature Pinterest tips gone wrong and sometimes it’s because people just don’t have the crafting/cooking skill of the person who originally created the tip/recipe/craft to begin with. But …

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Two sure signs of spring

A happy Friday to you all! There is indeed reason to be joyous this Friday. The painters were to come this morning to finish up a few last touch ups on the cabinets which means that I will spend a good part of the weekend organizing what I can while we wait for drawer fronts and cabinet doors. I can’t …

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Don’t count your chickens (or put away your dishes) …

No matter how much we try to keep our expectations in check, no matter how much we learn from experience, there are bound to be bumps in the road in any project of good size. Our kitchen mini renovation has been no exception. As much as we hoped we’d be in a state of kitchen flux for a small amount …

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The ever-expanding garden

I have been debating expanding my vegetable gardening space. Again. It’s funny how gardening works. You start with a garden of a certain size and you can’t imagine ever needing more space. Until you do. And then you add another garden or make the first one bigger and you think, “Well now I’m set for life.” Until you’re not. The …

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