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The Impatient Gardener blog was started in 2009 and its library of posts includes practical how-tos, plant guides, favorite garden gear, successes and failures and much more. If you’re looking for something specific, the search function at the top of the page can help.


The Garden Appreciation Society — Week 1 (Join in!)

First of all, congratulations to Edie who is the winner of the DeWit bonsai tool kit. Edie, check your email! I have to say I loved all your comments so much. So many great stories of sentimental houseplants! And now, onto a bit of fun. Last week I told you about what I envision The Garden Appreciation Society to be …

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The Garden Appreciation Society

As I’ve mentioned in the past, I’m extremely tight with my flowers. I rarely cut them and bring them inside to enjoy. But on the rare occasion I do, I absolutely love seeing them displayed in the house. Last year I went out before the first hard freeze and cut all the leftover flowers I could find. Without so much …

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What is the sound of spring springing? Sprong?

Funny how spring goes. One day you’re belly-aching about the horrible weather and wishing you could  do more in the garden and then the next day you turn around and the garden has come alive, bringing with it all the good (flowers!) and bad (weeds!) bits. Silly me, I was feeling pretty good after two weekends of garden cleanup. I …

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Bring beauty inside with Indoor Plant Decor + a giveaway

I have only two indoor plants that I really care about. One is a spider plant I bought at the farmer’s market the day I moved into my freshman year college dorm, making it, well, old enough to be at college itself. The other is a large ficus tree I got from my grandmother’s house after her death. In her …

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Something finally planted

A new raised bed is in  and the onions are planted. I plan to grow some kale on the other side of it, but most other things will be off limits as this bed is not protected from the overactive deer population in our yard. It feels great to have something in the ground (I did finally get the peas …

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cutting down a birch tree

A new view

As I mentioned a couple weeks ago, we’ve been waiting for the tree guys to remove a few trees from our yard. I wanted to get rid of them sooner rather than later so I didn’t have to worry about protecting plants near them and we had some more time to figure out what to do to replace them. Many …

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Our first DIY fail

Maybe I got too confident about our DIY ability. After all, I’ve jumped in with both feet to projects I had no idea would work, we installed our bedroom floors, I laid a huge stone path through our yard and built stacked-stone retaining walls and I’ve even learned how to do some electrical work. Our theory on when to do …

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Food for the winter-weary soul

When all else fails, at least there is this: It may be short in stature and damn near buried in an uncleaned garden bed, but the sight of this little hellebore (I don’t know which one it is, unfortunately) did wonders for my soul this week. The weatherman tells us it will actually feel like spring here and I can’t …

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