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The Impatient Gardener blog was started in 2009 and its library of posts includes practical how-tos, plant guides, favorite garden gear, successes and failures and much more. If you’re looking for something specific, the search function at the top of the page can help.


The Garden Appreciation Society: Week 4 (Link up!)

This week was even more difficult to come up with a bouquet for than last week and while there is a lot of great foliage I could have tried to make something out of, I thought that might be cheating a little since last weekend was really all about foliage. By the way, last weekend’s bouquet is still going strong, …

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It’s starting to come together

I think there are few things better than an insanely productive spring weekend. As I mentioned on Friday, this was a weekend for me to just kick it in the garden. And kick it I did. I got up and out there early both days and just kept pushing it. I got the largest garden (the “original” one off the …

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What’s brewing for the weekend

Ha! A second post on a Friday. That pretty much never happens here. Still, I thought I’d just do a little catch up on random goings-on and a bit of talk about the weekend. First off, last week I was on a radio show talking about my crown molding fail. I’m not sure Frank (the host of the show and …

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Coming in for a landing: one big ol’ obelisk

Normally I am not one to rush through projects. I really believe in the adage that anything worth doing is worth doing well. But I recently threw that aside and just went for it on a little building project for the garden. I got a couple of goji berry vines recently and I am so excited for them. Not just …

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The Garden Appreciation Society Week 3

Sorry this is late this week! The holiday weekend got me all cafloogered. Speaking of the long weekend, we had relatively horrible weather but I was still able to plant several containers. Honestly with as cold as it’s been, it was probably too early but at last count I had more than 120 containers of plants sitting around and I …

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What do to with your plants after you get them home

Poor little plants go through so much in their lives. They are coddled and grown in the cozy confines of a greenhouse where they get the perfect amount of light and water. And them BAM! they are are thrown into garden or a container and left to the whims of the weather and the gardener. Most plants can handle a …

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The Garden Appreciation Society Week 2

Welcome to Week 2 of The Garden Appreciation Society. Sounds like everyone made it through Week 1 without any emergency visits to their therapists, so I’d say we’re all doing a good jog at easing ourselves into bringing our flowers inside to enjoy in a whole new way. So tell the truth, especially if you’re reluctant to actually cut any …

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Whoosh! There goes the weekend

Sometimes when I disappear from the blog for more than a few days it’s because I have nothing to write about and I never want to bore you. But other times it’s because I’m so darn busy there is just no time to write. That’s been the story for the past week. I promise you posts on almost all of …

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