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The Impatient Gardener blog was started in 2009 and its library of posts includes practical how-tos, plant guides, favorite garden gear, successes and failures and much more. If you’re looking for something specific, the search function at the top of the page can help.


Friend or foe?

I have a confession. I might be growing huge weeds in my garden on purpose. Well, sort of on purpose. Gardening guru Margaret Roach likes to identify her weeds and her reasoning makes sense: If you know what it is, you will know how to get rid of it. And I can safely say that I know most of the …

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The Garden Appreciation Society Week 7 — Link up!

I know gardeners (and particularly Midwestern gardeners) will find any excuse to complain about the weather so I’m trying not to be fussy, but a lot of people are experiencing a rather dramatic spring and early summer. The lines of thunderstorms south of us seem to come day after day and I’m sure there are a lot of gardens suffering …

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Don’t mind the ladybugs in the fridge

We’re having a houseguest over the weekend. We pretty much never have houseguests. In fact, this might be the fourth time in 11 years that someone has slept at our house. And this time it’s someone we don’t know, staying at our house for an event related to Mr. Much More Patient’s job. You know how you clean your house …

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The Garden Appreciation Society Week 6 — Link up!

After several weeks of really struggling to come up with something to bring inside to appreciate the garden for The Garden Appreciation Society, it was so nice this week to have a few things to choose from. Things are very slowly starting to come into bloom here. The garlic chives are flowering, and I love those little pinky-purple flowers. The …

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Lessons from a weekend of gardening

Whew … what a weekend. We had our first nice day of the year yesterday and it finally felt like summer. The screens are on the windows, the breeze was blowing through the house and the deck was the perfect temperature for a cocktail after a long day. Welcome back, summer. We’re happy to have you! I had an appointment …

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The Garden Appreciation Society Week 5

Sorry for the delay on getting The Garden Appreciation Society Week 5 up. You know work, and then I, well, forgot and then yada, yada, yada. (I don’t think anyone else is still yada, yada, yadaing but it’s really such a useful device, don’t you think?) It continues to be a challenging time to find something for me to make …

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Please enjoy some plant touching during this delay

Hi everyone. I’m late with this week’s Garden Appreciation Society post because I got home late last night and didn’t have time to make a bouquet. Look for that tomorrow and do not miss the links from last week which were fantastic! You all are amazing. To tide you over, I bring you another installment of the possibly creepy plant …

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The kitchen is finished! A look at the new digs

I am exceedingly happy to tell you that the kitchen is finished. OK, not finished, but finished … for now. I need to touch up some paint (we came pretty close to slapping it on Memorial Day when we had family coming over for cocktails … we finished in time but had to warm them not to touch the walls) …

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