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The Impatient Gardener blog was started in 2009 and its library of posts includes practical how-tos, plant guides, favorite garden gear, successes and failures and much more. If you’re looking for something specific, the search function at the top of the page can help.


The garden will keep, summer will not

We had our annual master gardener picnic last week in which we visit members’ gardens and then eat a lot of food. I arrived early at the main garden to help set up the food and got a good look at the garden and property and realized that its owners had been putting in a lot of time getting it …

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The Garden Appreciation Society Week 15 –Show us your blooms!

Week 15 of The Garden Appreciation Society! Can you believe it? I  What’s even more amazing to me is that for 15 straight weeks I have had beautiful fresh flowers in my house. I will miss them so much in the middle of winter. But let’s not think about that, now. We have to savor every single moment of summer …

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The Garden Appreciation Society Week 14 — Link up now, gang!

Hey kids, guess what time it is? Time for this week’s Garden Appreciation Society! (cue cheering) I really love this week’s bouquet and not just because it features one of my favorite flowers: nasturtiums. I won’t blab on about them because you’re probably thinking, “Cripes, does this girl talk about anything other than hydrangeas and nasturtiums?” I love it because …

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Secret roadside gems

I have been such a bad blogger lately. I’m so sorry. Basically I’m suffering from a lack of interesting things to write about. And I hate writing about boring stuff. I’m working on it. Honest. In an effort to get a little more active, I’ve been trying to walk more, which means that I’ve been seeing the neighborhood in a …

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The Garden Appreciation Society Week 13 — Link up!

Getting a bit late on The Garden Appreciation Society this week, aren’t I? Sorry about that. I had a bouquet all made Tuesday night and then left it outside and and overnight storm pummeled it.  For me, purple coneflowers (the native ones, not the new fancy cultivars, which have stolen more money out of my pocket than any other plant …

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Those are some big Incrediballs!

Last year my mom and I had a little to see who could grow more tomatoes at our shared community garden plot. I don’t remember who won. I’m not sure anybody did. Tomatoes were plentiful last year, unlike this year, so really we all won. Suffice to say, our family is just a wee bit competitive. Anyone who can turn …

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Thinking of a new garden, but it’s not my fault

I have a bad habit of adding gardens. I certainly do not need anymore gardening space right now. I find it hard to keep up with the maintenance of what I already have and there are plenty of holes in the existing gardens that need to be filled. Plus I already have my eye on an area in the back …

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The Garden Appreciation Society Week 12 — Link up!

I really can’t believe we’re already on Week 12 of The Garden Appreciation Society. What do you think? Are you enjoying it? I think I’m a flowers-in-the-house convert because of this. I haven’t missed the few flowers that I’ve brought inside each week from the garden and I love that there are always fresh bouquets inside. Even Mr. Much More …

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