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The Impatient Gardener blog was started in 2009 and its library of posts includes practical how-tos, plant guides, favorite garden gear, successes and failures and much more. If you’re looking for something specific, the search function at the top of the page can help.


The evolving window box

I followed my own advice this weekend and spent a good amount of time in the garden, although all I accomplished was a lot of weeding and a little bit of planting. There is still tons to do. I hope the weather hangs in there awhile, even though the first day of fall really felt like the first day of …

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Gardening tool I’m never without: my phone

I stayed up late last night to work on a blog post. I was quite proud of myself because I even scheduled it to go up automatically. Often I get close to finishing them, but work on them a little bit in the morning before I hit “publish,” but it’s so much nicer when I finish them and they just …

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The best way to manage blogs

I said I was only going to skip one week of The Garden Appreciation Society but I’m still getting back in the swing of things here and it has been a very bad week in my life as far as technology goes. It is unbelievable how long it takes to set up a new computer. And by the way, don’t …

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Fall is not for sissies

Well that was a bit of a break, wasn’t it? I had great intentions of posting while I was out of town but have you ever tried to do any real typing on an iPad? Oh my gosh, it’s exhausting. So I didn’t. Anyway, it was a great trip and I’ll share a few photos from it soon, but today …

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The Garden Appreciation Society Week 17 — I know you have flowers … link up!

The Garden Appreciation Society seems to be getting later and later each week. And last week I really screwed it up when I set the dates wrong on the link tool. Sorry about that. I have a good excuse for having this week’s on Friday, though. There won’t be a Garden Appreciation Society link-up next week (for the first time …

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A return to something other than the garden

It’s not unusual for me to let house projects slide during summer. After all, there is gardening to be done and fun to be had. And winter up here is way too long so it’s good to have some things to keep busy with. But this summer, more than any other, I pretty much walked out of the house, leaving …

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The Garden Appreciation Society Week 16 — Link up!

This got late again this week but only because work got totally crazy this week. Really, work? In summer? For the birds, I tell you. Anyway, welcome to Week 16 of The Garden Appreciation Society. We’re in the home stretch folks so hang with it! There are very few flowers I grow specifically for cutting. In fact, I can’t think …

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Got 2 minutes? How about a garden tour?

I am horrible when it comes to logging what goes on in my garden. Honestly I started this blog partly to force me to take at least a few notes about the garden, but beyond what you read here (and you know that that’s not exactly a log) I don’t do much in the way of keeping track of the …

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