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The Impatient Gardener blog was started in 2009 and its library of posts includes practical how-tos, plant guides, favorite garden gear, successes and failures and much more. If you’re looking for something specific, the search function at the top of the page can help.


How to binge-watch Sarah Richardson shows in the U.S. + new paint colors to love

It has been completely cruddy here this week. So much so that I haven’t really had the will to go outside and cut flowers for The Garden Appreciation Society, so that will wait for another week. How long do you think we can keep this thing going? It’s getting difficult to be creative with fading flowers. Anyway, I leave you …

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Mid-project updates

I know that sometimes it seems like nothing is happening here in Impatient Gardener land. You don’t hear from me for a few days (unless you follow me in Facebook or Instagram where I’m much more likely to post regular updates) and you assume I’m probably asleep on the couch with my laptop half on my face. You would be …

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Oozing charm all over the place

After a go-go-go business trip last week, it was a go-go-go weekend here. We’ve been enjoying an amazing fall (which I feel we deserved after a less-than-stellar summer) but the weather is going to take a turn this week. The feeling that the time for outdoor projects is running out has created a mad dash of trying to get what …

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This year’s veggie garden: A lot of flops and one huge success

Vegetable gardening is all but finished for the year. The occasional tomato ripens up and we’re still eating onions from the garden, but for the most part, it’s all over. I’ll have to start buying vegetables from the grocery store within a week. That makes me so sad. (You can read about the varieties I planted here.) Overall it was …

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The Garden Appreciation Society Week 18 — Link ’em up before they freeze!

Look what’s back! It’s The Garden Appreciation Society, which went on a bit of a hiatus while I stepped out of town for a little bit and then got my life sorted when I came back. The garden is waning so we need to appreciate it all that much more now, while we can. The idea for The Garden Appreciation Society …

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The garage: A ticking DIY time bomb

Everyone once in a while a DIY project sneaks up bites me from behind. It’s not even on my radar and then suddenly it’s consuming my every thought. That’s what it has been like for the last few days with our garage. Our garage is not exactly the prettiest building ever constructed and we’ve done absolutely nothing to it since …

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Photo project: The Way Home

About a year ago I started a little photo project on Instagram. I would stop in the same spot on the way home and take a quick picture with my cell phone. I picked the spot for the photo because it’s one of my favorite views in the world. There is only one way to get to our house. You …

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California dreamin’

As you know I was out of town a couple weeks ago (you know, when I just ditched you all without even attempting to blog while I was gone?). Mr. Much More Patient and I headed off to the great state of California for a little bit of work and a little bit of pleasure. It was my first time …

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