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The Impatient Gardener blog was started in 2009 and its library of posts includes practical how-tos, plant guides, favorite garden gear, successes and failures and much more. If you’re looking for something specific, the search function at the top of the page can help.


New table, even newer color

Sometimes I think about my DIY journey and it sort of blows my mind. Six years ago I was scared to try to improve anything I didn’t totally hate for fear of screwing it up. Now I have to restrain myself from NOT trying to improve things that are perfectly fine the way they are. I think the first time …

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How to create a weathered wood finish

I showed you the new kitchen tabletop on Friday and promised a tutorial on Monday, so it only makes sense that you’re seeing this on Tuesday (punctuality is not my strong suit). This weathered wood finish is not something I recommend for someone who isn’t prepared to roll with the punches a bit. The fact is, you just don’t know …

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A new old-looking tabletop

I’m not sure I’ve ever done a project in which I had no real expectations for the outcome. That’s just not the way I roll. So going into refinished the kitchen table with no real idea of what it would look like at the end was not something I undertook lightly. You may recall that we purchased our kitchen table …

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How to get FREE nautical charts

If you’ve ever wanted to do anything with a nautical chart, plan it now. What might you want to do with a chart, other than, you know, navigate? Allow me to give you a few ideas. Traditional Home Office by Concord Interior Designers & Decorators lisa k. tharp – k. tharp design Spaces Traditional Kids by Milwaukee Architects & Designers …

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Colorful fence proves a little gray is ok when it comes to rules

Rules set in stone have always irked me. I’ll admit, I’m not a big follower of the rules, to the point where I’m more interested in breaking one when someone makes a big fuss about how there are no exceptions. I’m not talking about laws here, just rules. I know this is perhaps a bit of an immature viewpoint, but …

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How to salvage a stained marble tabletop

I have been on the hunt for a marble side table for about two years now. I’m pretty sure it’s because secretly I would have loved a marble countertop in either the upstairs bathroom or the kitchen but I knew I’d lose my mind with a marble counter. Some people love marble countertops for their patina or are willing to …

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A new bathroom was just the start

If you’re coming to the blog today from Hooked on Houses, welcome! I’m so happy you found me and thank you so much to Julia for featuring our bathroom addition. A couple years ago we ripped the top off half of our house and stuck it back on higher. We created tons of extra space without adding a single square …

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The Garden Appreciation Society Week 19 — Challenge yourself and link up!

I realized a funny thing while taking pictures of this week’s Garden Appreciation Society bouquet: I enjoy the bouquets that are harder to come by more than the ones that I made when the garden was in full flush. There’s something about the challenge that makes me appreciate that bouquet even more. Or maybe it’s just that it forces me …

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