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The Impatient Gardener blog was started in 2009 and its library of posts includes practical how-tos, plant guides, favorite garden gear, successes and failures and much more. If you’re looking for something specific, the search function at the top of the page can help.


Spreading the cheer outside

Holiday decorating is a slow process at my house. I’m so amazed by all the holiday home tours on the Internet … I haven’t even really thought much about the inside. I love doing my outdoor containers though. I leave them decorated (sans lights) almost all winter because I love looking at them. I take no credit for the design …

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Custom junk corralling

Sometimes there are little things that challenge our sanity, and I think I have identified the number one offender. You know what I’m talking about folks … it’s the damn junk drawer.    I didn’t even bother taking a before picture. You know what a horrible junk drawer looks like; I don’t need to share my horror with you.   …

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Put on your elastic pants, it’s time for Thanksgiving

When I was a kid, Thanksgiving was a much more formal affair. We always went to my grandmother’s house (just down the lane from our house), dressed up in uncomfortable clothes (oh how I hated tights), sat at a kids’ table, which we all hated until my grandma wisened up and gave us our own bowl of mashed potatoes and …

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*This close* to all finished

This might look like a picture of some pretty double welt, but it’s really a picture of what the almost end of a project looks like. I’m this close to finishing up the chairs that have been in my house for about two years and I’m so excited to show you them. There’s been a lot of hemming and hawing …

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A sweet treat, just not for me

Some gardeners are much better than I am about planting late-season crops. A friend on Facebook just posted a beautiful haul of beets the other day. I am just burned out by the end of the summer and I consider it a success if I can just stay on top of harvesting and general maintenance. Planting, and more importantly, nursing …

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Giveaway: A bit of holiday help

Where do you stand on mailing things? Have you gone entirely digital or do you still fall back on mailing a good old fashioned note? I’m a big fan of more traditional methods. If I get an invitation to something in the mail, I know they really want me there and that I wasn’t just included because I was in …

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How to make a custom striped table runner

I found a great new list-keeping app for my iPhone a week or two ago. It’s called Tick, and so far it’s my favorite list-keeping app that I’ve tried, and believe me, I’ve tried many. You can customize the icon and color for each list. Right now I have the number 10 by the little icon of a house. That …

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Don’t look now but winter’s coming

I was born and raised in Wisconsin, and other than a brief stint down under, I have lived in this state for my entire life. If you’re not familiar Wisconsin, you probably associate the state with three things: cheese, the Green Bay Packers and cold weather. It’s no coincidence that these are the first things that come to mind when …

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