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The Impatient Gardener blog was started in 2009 and its library of posts includes practical how-tos, plant guides, favorite garden gear, successes and failures and much more. If you’re looking for something specific, the search function at the top of the page can help.

GardenGarden design

Skinny trees for sunny spots

I saw a lot of gardening “trend” stories pop up around the beginning of the year. The concept of trends in gardening always seems a little off to me. I look at photos of gardens designed a hundred years ago and love them as much (or more) than one designed last year. But I know particular kinds of plants come …

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Think you’ve got Mother Nature figured out? Think again, sucka

Since most of the country (and Canada) is in the grips of the polar vortex I’ll spare you my tale of woe and the pictures from my cell phone of the thermometer on my car. School’s been cancelled due to the cold for two days now and one of our buildings at work is without heat but my main concern …

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Let there be (a not ugly) light

Happy new year, everyone! I hope you had a nice New Year’s Eve and a great first day 2014. I was happy to get the house completely de-Christmassed. As much as I like the decorations (and I really just got them up about a week and a half ago), it’s still nice to reclaim the house. Last weekend, when I …

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2013: A year in (blog posts) review

I hope you are all enjoying a wonderful holiday season. From a work perspective, this whole holiday-in-the-middle-of-the-week thing is for the birds, but I certainly enjoyed having a whole weekend in between Christmas and the new year with no social engagements. It was a fruitful weekend as far as projects and personal rejuvenation goes. But before I start telling you …

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Merry Christmas (and what it looks like at my house)

It’s Christmas Eve. What’s done is done and what is not done will not be. All that’s left to do at this point is enjoy the holiday. The last week and a half has been full of late nights for me as I tried to catch up on getting ready for hte holiday, so it’s no surprise that I was …

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A new take on an old mantel

Pretty much the whole point of having a big fireplace is to decorate it for Christmas, right? So it was a big relief when last night we finished (for now) a project that will actually allow me to do that. Yes, I know it’s December 20. I’m working on it! I’ve mentioned before that I have a real problem decorating …

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Simple swag

Posting on the blog has been so sporadic lately and I apologize for that. I have so many projects up in the air right now and it seems like it’s taking forever to finish any of them. I’m including things like “decorate the Christmas tree” and “hang up the garland outside that I bought a month ago and haven’t put …

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Orange you glad they are finally finished?

You know I always have several projects in the works at one time, but I think this one holds the record for longest in-progress project. Obsessed with cane chairs, I found a pair of them on Craigslist more than two years ago and picked them up for $30 each. This really wasn’t a good deal (I’ve since seen similar chairs …

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