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The Impatient Gardener blog was started in 2009 and its library of posts includes practical how-tos, plant guides, favorite garden gear, successes and failures and much more. If you’re looking for something specific, the search function at the top of the page can help.

Containerized shrubs wintering in the unheated garage.

Growing shrubs in containers

Growing containerized shrubs has been sort of a game-changer for me. There is something about them that is stately, and while I love containers full of annuals (like, a lot) shrubs add a little something different to the palette. The problem with growing shrubs in containers, however, is winter. You invest a bit of money and a lot of time …

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Limelight hydrangea in fall
Friday Finds

Friday Finds

I’m not even going to look in the archives, but I’m willing to bet that every year around this time I’ve started a post by telling you I’ve done no Christmas shopping. I think we can all safely assume that short of taking advantage of a few cyber week sales for things we needed, there will be no gift buying …

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David Austin 'The Alnwick Rose'

Winter care for roses in cold climates

FYI: I’ve posted an update to how this all worked out at the bottom! I am not a rose expert. In fact, longtime readers may recall that it wasn’t too long ago that I publicly swore that I would never grow roses again. The problem with making such declarations is that it’s difficult to hide from them when just a …

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How to overwinter dahlias

The how-to of storing dahlias

Dahlias have become quite the favorite flower. Dare I say they’ve even become a bit trendy? I hate the idea of a flower being a fad. I prefer to chalk up the interest in dahlias to a combination of access to lovely new varieties, more information available on how to grow them and social media nudge from floral designers and …

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Acer japonicum 'Acontifolium'

A new look (for the site & the garden)

Well hello there! If you’ve made it here you’re officially on the new The Impatient Gardener site, the creation of which took a little longer than I expected and was probably poorly timed. But I think the effort was worth it and I hope you do too. My hope is that you’ll find the site a little more user friendly …

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You might have noticed that I didn’t write much about the vegetable garden this year. That’s not because I didn’t grow vegetables, but it wasn’t my best year in the vegetable garden.It’s been my pattern to really let a garden slip after I’ve developed a plan in my head for how I’m going to change it. The most recent example …

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What to do with all those leaves?

Mr. Much More Patient and I spent a good part of the weekend dealing with the first round of fallen leaves at our house. Because we have a lot of trees, it works better to do it in two or three sessions rather than wait until everything is on the ground.And while some people bag their leaves or push them …

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Friday Finds


It has been a difficult few weeks to be a gardener in my area. The sun is setting early (and soon to be much earlier) so there’s no time for gardening after work and the weekends have been rainy. I appreciate this late season rain, as I believe that it is best for plants to go into dormancy well hydrated, …

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