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The Impatient Gardener blog was started in 2009 and its library of posts includes practical how-tos, plant guides, favorite garden gear, successes and failures and much more. If you’re looking for something specific, the search function at the top of the page can help.

urban gardening by Kevin Espiritu

Book review: Urban or not, this book helps you garden better

One of the questions I’m asked most frequently is what basic gardening book I recommend. And to be honest I’ve yet to have a great answer. But at least when it comes to growing food, I now have an answer. This post may contain affiliate links. See my complete disclosure here. I didn’t know what to expect when I opened …

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flowering garlic mustard weed

Winning the battle against garlic mustard weed

At this time five years ago I would have been about 10 big contractor garbage bags in to my annual garlic mustard weed pull. The property, actually the neighborhood, was full of it. I would pull the stuff until my hand cramped up and no more garbage bags would fit in the car to be taken to the dump. And …

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EdiblesGardenGarden design

The vegetable garden comes to life

It feels odd to “reveal” a space that’s been unfolding in front of your eyes on this blog for a year now, but the vegetable garden is finally at a place where almost everything but the gardening bit is finished.  I can’t tell you how thrilled I am to be left only with the task of planting in this beautiful …

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marsh marigold

The garden that Mother Nature manages

Ask me what my favorite season is and before you can finish asking the question I’ll tell you it’s summer. I’m a summer girl. I like summer activities, summer food, summer cocktails, summer nights and summer gardens. But I have to admit, like a cat with an attitude who deems your lap worthy of laying on once a week and …

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how to plant a tree

Trees: Those I have lost and those that will lead the way

We’re coming up on 17 years in this house. How that happened I have no idea, but one mark of the passage of time here has been the coming and going of trees.  For many years we didn’t cut down any trees here. They were all healthy and more or less where we wanted them. First some of the birches …

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Colocasia Distant Memory

Pretty in purple: Gorgeous foliage to add dimension in the garden

I don’t know what spurred my recent interest in plants with purple foliage, but everywhere I turn, deep, dark leaves are catching my eye. Like other plants with “special” colored foliage, including chartreuse, silver and variegated, purple plants have to be used sparingly, lest they lose  their impact. They also work better when set against a lighter background, like a …

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'Summer Beauty' allium in the rain

The evolution of a gardener

I can’t say what accounts for it, but I’ve noticed recently that I’m a different gardener than I used to. I’m not talking about knowledge, because all gardeners gain that through years of experience and, well, failure. It’s my approach to the physical tasks of gardening that I’ve recognized a change in. I used to garden by task: weed, mulch, …

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Scillia blue flower

Spring in the woods if not in the garden

I haven’t cleaned up the garden yet and although I’m feeling anxious about being behind, there’s very little happening right now and I know I still have some time.  But while the cultivated parts of our yard are very, very slowly waking up, the natural areas, those that are mostly free of my intervention, are doing the most wonderful things.  …

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